We all know or sense that there is more to life than just having a job, family life, pursuing hobbies, going on vacations and having fun on the weekends. For me, this became apparent in 1998 when my father in-law, who I looked up to in every way (He was 6′ 4″ too!) passed away from prostate cancer. At that point, I was very concerned and worried about what would happen to me when I die. This uncertainty brought on much anxiety; especially difficulty sleeping at night brought on apparently without any real reason (other than in hindsight, I think that God was getting my attention). While my physical life was going through a roller coaster ride, I received an invitation to a attend a bible church, and for the first time I heard the basic gospel message (see below).  At first it made me feel very uncomfortable…because I knew that I was not right with God; even though I considered myself a “good person”, the reality was that any wrong action that I did broke God’s laws  — as a result there have to be consequences — Well, that’s when I realized that Jesus had already stepped in for me (and everyone who will call out to Him) and took the consequences that I deserved upon Himself on the cross. Wow!

You see, while growing up, I heard about Jesus and even went to church every Sunday, but I never realized my condition before a Holy God or knew that God wanted me to have a personal relationship with Him, it wasn’t about being religious (man made regulations). But to do that, I had to accept His free gift of salvation and turn from my highway to His way!  I’ll never forget that day. I decided this while doing laundry…of all things. That was 1999. Well, I’m am still a big work in progress, but as I read the bible, I realize God’s love and plan for me (and everyone) is that He is for us not against us! If this is something that you also wondered about or even want to know more about, you can reach me here. Below is a basic outline of the GOSPEL (which means “Good News!”) message, along with the Bible reference(s) to which I now believe and follow.

God created us to be with Him. (Genesis 1-2)

Our sins separate us from God. (Genesis 3)

Sins cannot be removed by good deeds. (Genesis 4 – Malachi 4)

Paying the price for sin, Jesus died and rose again. (Matthew – Luke)

Everyone who repents from their sins and trusts in Him alone has eternal life. (John)

Life with Jesus starts now and lasts forever. (Acts – Revelation)


Thanks for reading and allowing me to share my journey with you!